These general provisions and conditions for the provision of QOVVO Services in future “Terms” are a legally mandatory agreement in the future “Agreement” of regulatory relations between the user in the future “User” or “Creditor” or “Recipient of financial services" or“ You ”and QOVVO Service, owned by Network Project Ltd. or “Company”, or “QOVVO Service”, or “we”, subsequently called “Parties” in relation to the use of financial services of the QOVVO Service.

 The passage of registration on the QOVVO Servise and the use of the QOVVO Service, confirming your unconditional consent to the Terms, indicates the entry into the contractual relations of the Parties to the Agreement.ent.


1. Agreementan agreement on the provision of financial Services concluded between QOVVO Service and Users. These Terms are the rules for applying the Agreement. The Agreement is concluded between QOVVO Service and the User if the User has completed the registration procedure on the website

2. General provisions and Conditions for the provision of QOVVO Service are these Terms.

3. Network Project Ltd. is a limited liability company registered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, registration number 088935

3. is a website that provides access services to credit resources and high-liquid pledges.

4. User is an individual or representative of a legal entity with a personal account of the User created on the website and actually using the services of the QOVVO.

5. User Account is a personal account created on the website that allows the User to access the QOVVO services.

6. Password: alphanumeric combination of random characters, using the upper and lower registers and special characters.

7. Applicable Legislation: the legislation in accordance with which these conditions and any separate agreements are regulated and interpreted, in accordance with which we provide you services.

8. Applicable law – the law under which these Terms and any separate agreements governing the provision of Services to you are regulated and interpreted, namely, the law of the Republic of Seychelles.

9. Working day: any day of banking institutions of the corresponding jurisdiction in normal mode (usually this means any day except Saturday, Sunday or National Holidays).

10. Wallet is a digital wallet in the account of the QOVVO Service user, including all the digital assets of this user that are designed for use as a Loan and Pawn currency in a Loan Deals, or as a billing currency.

11. Digital assets: any digital assets are somehow cryptocurrencies and stablecoins supported by QOVVO Service. The list of such digital assets is indicated in the "Available Assets" Chapter. We can revise this list at our discretion.

12. QOVVO services: all services provided by QOVVO Servise.

13. Financial services: the services of a Creditor for the provision of a loan to the Recipient of financial services.

 14. Currency of Lending is a digital asset, in accordance with the norms of the "Available Assets" Chapter used to provide and repay the Loan.

 15. Currency of the Pawn is a digital asset, in accordance with the norms of the "Available Assets" Chapter used as a collateral.

 16. Hard Fork - a change in the software of the basic protocol of the digital asset network, which led to the formation of two versions of a digital asset, incapable of interaction with each other.

 17. Intellectual property: any intellectual property, trademarks, service signs, logos, copyright and related rights, know-how, research, publications, agreements, trade names and names of companies, etc.

18. Credit: digital assets transferred by the creditor to the Recipient of financial services on the terms of repayment, for securing a pledge, for a certain period and at a percentage.

19. Percent: the indicated interest, the rate recorded in the Loan Deal.

20. Сreditor is a user of the QOVVO Service or a Credit Pool, represented by a Credit pool Manager, providing a Loan to the Recipient of financial services, in accordance with these Terms.

21. Recipient of financial services is the user of the QOVVO Service receiving a Loan from the Creditor, in accordance with these Terms.

22. Pawn is a digital asset provided by the Recipient of the financial service as ensuring the Loan Deal, which is to be implemented in case by the Recipient of the financial service of the obligations on the Loan Deal, in order to satisfy the claims of the Creditor under the Loan Deal.

 23. Loan Deal: providing the Creditor to the Recipient of the financial service of the Loan on the terms of interest and repayment for security for the Pawn, for a certain period. By pressing the “Protect Credit” or “Get Credit” but the User enters, as part of the Agreement, to the Loan Deal with another User - Recipient of the financial service or Creditor.

24. Credit pool (pool): the unification of the capital of Investors of a Credit pool under the control of a Credit pool manager, created to provide loans, obtain and subsequent distribution of profit between investors of a Credit pool according to the procedure for the Credit pools section of thees Terms.

 25. Capital of a Credit Pool: the amount of Investors of the Credit pool introduced by the capital of Investors who are at the disposal of the Credit pool at the current moment.

26. Investment of a Credit pool: the amount of Loans issued by a Credit pool in the period.

27. Credit Pool Income: Interest received by the Credit Pool from credit operations, as well as a portion of the funds received from the sale of the Pawn that arose as a result of the failure of the Recipient of Financial Services to fulfill its obligations under the Loan Deal. 

 28. Investor (participant) of a Credit Pool is a user who contributed to a Credit Pool and participating in the activities of a Credit Pool in accordance with the norms specified in the section of credit pools.

29. Credit Pool Participant Share: The portion of the Credit pool Capital owned by the Pool Participant, expressed as a percentage.

29. Manager (foundator) of a Credit Pool is a user who is a trustee of a Credit Pool who creates, control and participating in the activities of a Credit Pool in accordance with the norms specified in the section of Credit Pools. 

30. Credit pool strategy: the parameters of a Credit pool declared by the founder when creating a Credit pool, forming an idea of ​​the distinctive features of the Pool: the level of profitability, the duration of the Loan, the level of security of the Loan, the status of the Credit pool. 

31. Personal data: any information about you, necessary, including to verify your personality, use the QOVVO service, compliance with regulatory requirements.

32. History of transactions is the history of the user transactions and all the information about the presence and turnover of digital assets in his account.


 1. Storage on the wallet of digital assets approved and supported by the QOVVO Service. The list, rules, limits of replenishment and removal of such digital assets are indicated in the "Available Assets" and "Rates and Fees" Chapters.

 2. Publishing of users information about the needs of the Loan and the presence of a Pawn.

 3. Publishing of user information about the possibility of providing a Loan.

 4. Providing users with information about the needs of users in the Loan and the availability of collateral, the ability of users to provide a Loan.

  5. Organization, provision and control of the  Loan Deals - financial services provided by Creditors to the Recipients of the financial service. 

 a) the transfer of Digital Assets (loan amount recorded in the Loan Deal) from the Lender’s Wallet to the recipient of the Recipient of the financial service after pressing the “Issue” or “Get Credit” button. In order to receive a Loan to his Wallet, the Recipient of the financial service is obliged, at the time of receipt of a Loan, to have a security deposit in the currency and the amount recorded in the Loan Deal on his Wallet.

 b) the transfer of Digital Assets (Loan amounts recorded in the Loan Deal) from the Wallet of the Recipient of the financial service to the Lender’s Wallet on the day of the Loan refined in the Loan Deal. With the purpose of ensuring the possibility of a Loan repayment, the Recipient of the financial service is obliged to ensure on the day the Loan repayment is the availability of Digital Assets in the lending currency in the amount equal to or exceeding the amount of the Loan. The absence of such an amount on the Wallet of the Recipient of the financial service on the day of the Loan repayment is considered to be non-fulfilling his obligations to the Creditor according to the Loan Deal. Lending limits (minimum and maximum) are indicated in the "Rates and Fees" Chapter.

 c) the transfer of Digital Assets (the amount of interest recorded in the Loan Deal) from the Wallet of the Recipient of the financial service to the Lender’s Wallet on the day of payment of Interest on the Loan recorded in the Loan Deal. With the goal of ensuring the possibility of paying Interest on a Loan, the Recipient of the financial service is obliged to provide on the day of payment of Interest on a Loan the availability of Digital Assets in the lending currency in the amount equal or exceeding the amount of Interest on the Loan. The absence of such an amount on the Wallet of the Recipient of the financial service on the day of payment of Interest on the Loan is considered to be non-fulfilling his obligations to the Creditor in accordance with the Loan Deal.

 d) blocking the Pawn providing a Loan Deal during the implementation of the transaction, until the obligations of the Recipient of the financial service to the Creditor under the Loan Deal is repaid.

6. Providing the Creditor with guarantees for the satisfaction of claims for a Loan Deal, in case the Recipient of the financial service of his obligations to the Creditor under the Loan Deal fails. 

a) on the day of non-fulfillment, we receive the financial services of obligations for payment of Interest or on the refund of the Loan, in accordance with the terms of the Loan Deal, the QOVVO Service implements the pledge providing the Loan Deal. Funds received from the sale of collateral are directed to repay unfulfilled obligations of the Borrower to the Creditor under the Loan Deal.

 b) the implementation of the Pawn is carried out at the current cost of the Pawn based on the exchange rate of the pledge at the time of the implementation of the Pawn.

 c) the rest of the funds received from the implementation of the Pawn, after satisfying the claims of the Creditor for the Loan Deal and payment of the QOVVO Service, is transferred to the Creditor as compensation for unprofitable profit, due to the non-fulfillment of the financial services of obligations on the Loan Deal.

7. Monitoring the ability of the Pawn to ensure a Loan Deal in the context of changing the currency of the pledge.

 a) with a decrease in the cost of the Pawn, due to a change in the exchange rate of the Pawn to the level specified in in  in the "Rates and Fees" Chapter, the QOVVO Service implements the key that ensures the Loan Deal. The funds received from the sale of collateral are sent to pay off the obligations of the recipient of the financial service to the creditor relevant at the time of the collateral.

b) the implementation of the Pawn is carried out at the current cost of the Pawn based on the exchange rate of the Pawn at the time of the implementation of the Pawn.

 c) the balance of funds received from the sale of collateral after satisfying the claims of the creditor, relevant at the time of collateral, is transferred to the recipient of the financial service.

 8. Providing and supporting the work of credit pools, in accordance with the norms and rules set forth in the section of credit pools.

 9. Any other service that can be implemented through the QOVVO Service or is available through the user account.  

 10. Access to the QOVVO Service account will allow the user:

 a) request the service of the QOVVO Service;

 b) view your balance and the history of transactions;

  c) replenish, remove, accept and transfer digital assets for which such opportunities are available on the QOVVO Service, in accordance with the Terms in which changes can be made, at our exceptional and absolute discretion;

 d) perform other actions in accordance with these Terms.

 11. The user agrees that the QOVVO Service can, at its discretion, introduce partial or complete restrictions on its services, which may include, among other things, the restriction on the withdrawal of funds, as indicated in the section withdrawal of digital assets from the user account and termination of the accounting User entries until the circumstances of the measures leading to the use of measures. The QOVVO Service reserves the right to modify or change these measures that it considers necessary, without prior notice to the User.


1. A Credit pool created and managed by the Manager (foundator) of the Credit pool is a party to the Loan Deal, as part of this Agreement, as a Creditor.or.

2. The  Manager of the Credit pool acts on behalf of the Credit pool, guided by these Terms.

3. A Loan Deals involving a Credit pool are regulated by these Terms, along with other Loan Deals. 

4. The number of Credit pools - created and acting is not limited.

5. The number of participants in the Credit pool is not limited.

6. Users of the QOVVO Service can be founders and participants in an unlimited number of Credit pools.

7. The size of the contribution of the Investor of the Credit pool: min: $100; Max is not limited.

8. The status of a Credit pool:

 a) Public - there are no restrictions on joining the Pool;

 b) Personal - accession to the Pool is possible on the recommendation of the participant/participants of the Pool;

 c) Private - accession to the Pool is possible only at the direct invitation of the bullet Founder.

  The status of a Credit pool is determined by the Founder of the Pool when it is created, the status is not subject to change.

9. The condition of the Credit pool.

 a) An Open Pool - it is possible to join the Pool;

 b) A closed Pool - the ability to join the Pool at the current moment is limited.

 The condition of the Pool determines, captures and changes the Founder of the Pool.

10. Any User of the QOVVO service that meets the following requirements can be the Foundator of the Credit pool:

  a) registered in the QOVVO service for at least 1 month;

  b) took part, as a creditor, in 5 loan deals completed at the time of the creation of a Credit pool;

  c) the carried minimum Investment in the Credit pool of which is $ 2500.

 11. Creating a Credit pool:

  a) submitting an application for registration of a Credit pool indicating:

  • jurisdiction of the Founder of the Credit pool;

  • personal data of the Founders of the Credit pool;

  • nickname of the Founder of the Credit pool;

  • the name of the Credit pool (at the discretion of the Founder, with the exception of the offensive and/or violating any applicable law content);

  • the claimed amount of the remuneration of the Founder of the Credit pool, in the range of 5-30% of the income of the Credit pool;

  • the size of the introductory contribution to the Credit pool;

  • the minimum term of the participant in the Credit pool (from 1 month);

  • the declared Capital of the Credit pool;

  • the declared deadline for the formation of the Capital of the Credit pool;

  • declared Strategy of a Credit pool;

   b) Registration of a credit pool (within 24 hours);

   c) The service has the right to refuse to register a credit pool at its absolute discretion, without indicating the reasons for the refusal.

12. The service publishes a list of current Credit pools, their description, including the declared parameters, characteristics and indicators of work.

13. Joining in the Credit pool.

a) Familiarization with the list of credit pools, their description, parameters, characteristics and indicators;

b) The choice of a credit pool that meets financial capabilities and investment preferences of the user;

c) Perform the action “join the pool”;

d) Make an introductory fee to a credit pool, in the amount corresponding to personal capabilities and preferences, but not less than the size indicated in the description of the credit pool.

14. The work of a credit pool.

a) The Credit Pool Manager receives information about the credit needs of Users - Recipients of financial services, published

b) The Manager of the Credit pool, including before the completion of the formation of the declared Capital of the Credit pool, publishes information about the provision of a financial service - a Loan on the terms of the appropriate Strategy of the Pool.

c) If there is a loan need, based on the possibility of a Pool, a  Manager, on behalf of a Credit pool, makes a Loan Deal with the User - Recipient of the financial service, under this Agreement, investing on credit a part of the Capital of a Credit pool formed at the time of issuing a loan by contributions of participants in a Credit pool .

d) The source of the formation of the investment of a Credit pool sent to the issuance of a loan on a Loan Deal is the contributions of participants in a Credit pool, in proportion to each of the remains of contributions that are not involved in investing previous transactions, regardless of the chronology of the receipt of such contributions and the formation of residues.

e) Funds from the income received by the Pool, after paying the QOVVO Service fees and the Pool Manager's remuneration, are distributed among the Credit Pool Participants whose contributions were actually made to the Credit Pool Capital at the time of receiving the Pool's distributable income, in proportion to the Shares of the Credit Pool Participants.

15. Exit from a Credit pool.

a) Perform the action “Leave the pool”;

b) Indicate the amount of digital assets withdrawing from the Pool to the user account wallet;

c) An obstacle to the withdrawing funds from the Credit pool may be a term to stay in the Pool, according to the rules of the Pool.;

d) Limiting the amount of digital assets withdrawn by the participant from the pool may be the investment of the participant funds in the ongoing Loan Deals.

16. Closuring a Credit pool.

a) The founder of the Credit pool has the right to initiate the closure of its Pool;

b) An obstacle to the closure of a Credit pool may be the participation of a Credit pool in the ongoing Loan Deals;

c) The service has the right to eliminate any Credit pool, without the coordination of the Founder and Participants in the Credit pool, the break of the Participation of which in the loan transactions exceeds 30 working days.

d) The return of digital assets belonging to the Participants in the Credit pool to the user's accounting wallets of such Participants is made by the service immediately before the liquidation of the Credit pool.

17. QOVVO service has the right to cancel, change and supplement the provisions of this section of the Terms governing the Credit pools of the at any time, at its absolute discretion.

18. Receiptors - Participants and Founders of Credit pools receive information about current changes in the regulation of Credit pools, by regular viewing of this section of the Terms.


1. You can replenish digital assets in your user account:

a)  By transmitting digital assets from your personal Wallet. The maximum permissible minimum and maximum amounts of replenishment are indicated in the "Rates and Fees" Chapter. In the future, you can use your digital assets to provide a Loan or to ensure a Loan as a Pawn. List of assets allowed for use as a means of lending and as a Pawn are indicated in the "Available Assets" Chapter;

b) By obtaining a Loan;

c) By receiving interest on your Loan;

d) By receiving part of the funds, in accordance with the norms specified in Appendix A to the Terms received during the implementation of the Pawn that provides the Loan you issued, in case of non-fulfillment by the Recipient of the financial service of his obligations to you.

2. You are responsible for:

a) Your User account address used for transferring digital assets from your personal Wallet was correct;

b) The digital assets that you replenish in your User account are currently approved and supported by, in accordance with these Terms;

c) If you transferring digital assets to the wrong address, or the transmitted digital assets are not approved and are not supported by the service your digital assets will be irrevocably lost. We will not bear responsibility for any consequences of such actions somehow losses and so on.

3. The balance of your account will change as soon as the transaction of the transferring of your digital asset will be confirmed in the digital asset network.

4. You cannot cancel any transaction you made. The client is fully responsible for all transactions initiated by the client. The QOVVO service is not responsible for any losses incurred by the client as a result of incorrect or unsuccessful transactions of the client.


1. Withdrawing digital assets from the User account occurs at:

a) Transfer digital assets from your User account to your personal wallet;

b) The provision of a Loan to the Recipient of the financial service by transferring the Loan amount from the account of the Creditor and crediting this amount to the account of the Recipient of the financial service;

c) Providing a digital asset as collateral for a Loan pledged loan from the account of the recipient of the financial service and crediting to the service account;

d) Payment of Interest on a Loan by transferring the Interest amount from the account of the Recipient of the financial service and enrollment on the Creditor account;

e) The return of the Loan amount by transferring the Loan amount from the account of the Recipient of the financial service and enrolling the Creditor account;

f) Payment of commissions, fees and other payments by the QOVVO Service in accordance with the norms specified in the "Rates and Fees" Chapter by transferring off the Pawn currency from the account of the Recipient of the financial service and enrollment on the account of the QOVVO Service;

2. All commissions and fees specified in Appendix A to the Terms are carried out at the expense of the corresponding user.

3. The operations carried out to withdraw digital assets are irreversible and final.


1. The status of digital assets differs in various jurisdictions and is often in a state of significant uncertainty. Changes in the legislation, both of separate jurisdictions and at the international level, can adversely affect the use of digital assets, including their transfer and exchange, which can complicate the provision of services by QOVVO Service to its users.

2. Separate jurisdictions can limit or prevent the possibilities of obtaining services provided by the QOVVO Service and you decide on the possibility of using our services and are fully responsible for compliance with the laws, rules and restrictions imposed by the jurisdiction of your location.

3. The increased volatility of digital assets is associated with the unpredictability of their price, which can lead to losses in the value of digital assets. You need to form your own idea of ​​the prospect of the value of certain digital assets, their quality, suitability and usefulness. You should at your own fear and risk determine the list of digital assets for placement and use on the QOVVO Service, taking into account your capabilities and restrictions  in the "Available Assets" and "Rates and Fees" Chapters.

4. Digital assets, based on their nature, are exposed to increased risk of cyber attacks, fraud and other similar influences, any losses incurred due to such influences can be irrevocable.

5. The nature of digital assets involves the risks of network delays, failures, defects and hacks, hard-forks and Airdrops, which may affect the services provided by the QOVVO Service.

6. The capacity of the User to get QOVVO services, at any time convenient for him, can be limited to interruptions in the work of communications.

7. Any events, somehow interruptions in the operation of Exchanges of digital assets that led to delayed payments and blocking of assets, their closure and other similar events that led to a decrease in the confidence of the crypto industry, can lead to a decrease in the value of digital assets, therefore to the loss of digital assets owners .

8. The QOVVO Service does everything in it in a power to ensure uninterrupted access to its services. At the same time, external interruptions in the operation of networks associated with their overload or other reasons can create obstacles to users in access to the service at a time convenient for the user.

9. The QOVVO Service, during the Deal, reserves the Pawn in order to ensure the claims of the Creditor under the Deal, if the Recipient of financial services does not fulfill his obligations under the Deal. However, as a result of the onset of force -organized circumstances, such as, but not limited to them: the collapse of the cryptocurrency market, interruptions in providing services of the cryptocurrency market operators, the possibility of QOVVO Service to implement the Pawn and transfer the funds to Creditor, it can be limited.

10.QOVVO Service does not provide any consultations and advice on the appropriateness of conducting certain transactions proposed by Users of the QOVVO Service, or the proposed by you, any information posted on the website .... should not be perceived as a guide to action, any of your The action within the QOVVO Service you produce based on your solution, your capabilities and personal circumstances.

11. Loss of cryptocurrency stability, technical failures with catastrophic consequences, large-scale hacks, the above risks and force majeure circumstances can lead to a delay in the user receipt of their assets, or to a complete or partial loss of their assets by the user.

12. In case of a discrepancy between the network of the digital asset you transferred to your Wallet and the address of your Account provided by the QOVVO Service, the transferred digital assets may be irretrievably lost.

13. This list contains information about some risks that may arise in connection with the receipt of QOVVO Services and is not exhaustive. Before you start working with the QOVVO Service, read possible risks and make a decision on the advisability of you receive such services. The receipt of the services of the QOVVO Service indicates the adoption of the risks associated with the receipt of such services.


1. There is a non zero possibility of changing the software support of the basic protocol of digital assets networks, with the possibility of creating copies of digital assets networks, making changes to the operating rules of networks, which can lead to the creation of new versions of digital assets and generation different from the initial, new versions of digital assets, incapable of interaction with the original version. Creating versions of digital assets can affect functionality, and as a result, the cost of the original digital asset. The  QOVVO Service at its own discretion selects a supported network and can temporarily suspend the services provided using a digital asset, whose blockchain has undergone a hard fork.

2. The networks and digital assets of the blockchain of which have been subjected to the hard fork are not included in the  QOVVO Service and the selection of the supported digital asset (source or copy), the receipt and safety of the unfinished digital asset is our unconditional prerogative.


Using QOVVO Services, you declare and guarantee that:

1. You are 18 years old or you have reached the age of majority to participate in contractual relations with QOVVO (depending on what will come later).

2. You are legally authorized and competent for concluding an agreement.

3. You agree to comply with these conditions, future amendments and additions, in case of their occurrence.

4. You act in accordance with the legislation of your jurisdiction, and any other applicable law.

5. The use of the QOVVO Service is not prohibited in accordance with the legislation that you are obliged to comply with.

6. You undertake not to use QOVVO services for any illegal goals.

7. Digital assets with which you have replenished or plan to replenish your wallet in the account of the 111 service user or the means that you used or will use to purchase digital assets that will be replenished with a wallet in the user of the QOVVO Service, are not the result of money laundering, financing of terrorism, fraud, or any other illegal or criminal activity in the interpretation of applicable law;

8. You are not a citizen, a permanent resident, tax resident and are not in the United States of America, the Virgin Islands of the United States or any other possessions of the United States of America as well as Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Puerto Rico, Somalia, Syria , Sudan or any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction, which imposed an embargo of the United Nations.

9. You have no connection with any jurisdiction where we banned or limited access to the QOVVO Service and you undertake not to have such ties during the agreement.

10. You are not an individual who has been restricted or prohibiting from engaging in banking or other financial transactions in any jurisdiction or in accordance with any applicable law.

11. You are not included in the list or lists of suspicious persons, with the attachment of a ban on visiting or conducting financial transactions in any jurisdiction.

12. You are the exclusive beneficiary and/or legal owner of any digital assets that are added to or are subject to being added to your QOVVO User Wallet.

13. You are personal responsibility for the safety of your device that provides communication with the QOVVO Service and maintaining the safety of your user name, password and bears full responsibility for any access to the QOVVO Service and its use through your device, regardless of whether such access was made without your knowledge, authority or consent.

14. You undertake to use all the necessary equipment, as well as install all the necessary software including antivirus, when using the QOVVO Service in accordance with these Terms.

15. We will not bear responsibility for any losses or losses that arose as a result of using your equipment that provides communication with the QOVVO Service. If you have lost the possibility of accessing your equipment or it was accessed without your knowledge or in another in noventory way, inform the QOVVO Service about this and replace the Password as soon as possible.

16. The use of the QOVVOS Services is regulated by these Terms, as well as a Сonfidentiality policy.

17. You agree with our Сonfidentiality policy.

18. You have provided QOVVO with only complete, true and relevant information.

19. You are a taxpayer in your jurisdiction and are fully responsible for the completeness and timeliness of any tax payments and the filing of tax returns in accordance with the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction. The QOVVO Service does not provide any consultations or advice on compliance with tax legislation in yours and any other jurisdiction. Uncertainty, as well as changes in the tax laws of your jurisdiction, including matters related to the possession and use of Digital Assets, may result in unknown in the future, the tax consequences associated with obtaining the services of QOVVO and you are fully aware that they are fully realized that the QOVVO Service is not liable for any consequences associated with the mentioned changes and uncertainty, if any, and will not compensate for any losses or damage if they occur.

20. You realize that you use the user account at your own danger and risk.

21. You do not provide false, inaccurate, irrelevant information or information misleading.

22. You do not transmit, do not load viruses or other harmful software or program.

23. You are not trying to make unauthorized access to files of other users their accounts, websites, networks or systems related to the QOVVO Service.

24. You are aware of inadmissibility and do not attempt to decompile, reconstruct, or perform other unauthorized actions in relation to our program, our systems or products, or perform other actions that violate our intellectual property rights.

25. You undertake not to launch any programs or scripts for the purpose of cleaning, indexing, survey or other analysis of data from any part of our programs, systems or products.

26. You undertake not to take any actions aimed at excessive burden or obstruction and/or functionality of any aspect of the QOVVO Services.

27. You undertake not to perform actions that may lead to damage, disconnects, other similar consequences that jeopardize the operation of the QOVVO Service and/or negatively affect the possibility of other users to receive service or compromising the reputation of the QOVVO Service.

28. You are aware of the unlawful of actions aimed at obtaining unauthorized access to the QOVVO Service, accounts and wallets of other Users and undertake not to take such actions.

29. You undertake not to take actions in relation to the QOVVO Service, which can be threatening, insulting, aggressive in relation to the QOVVO Service and its Users, representatives, officials and employees, and also not to participate in any written or oral discussion of similar actions.

30. You undertake to maintain the data necessary for using the QOVVO Service user out of the accessibility of third parties.

31. You undertake to inform us of a change in any information provided to the QOVVO Service within one working day from the date of such changes.

32. You agree with these Terms as a whole, with each of the sections of the Terms separately.


1. In order to comply with the applicable legislation, including, but not limited to this purpose, the QOVVO Service has the right to single -handedly at its discretion, refuse to process or cancel any request for receipt of QOVVO Services, including in replenishment of digital assets in your User Account. Some restrictions can be imposed on your wallet, from time to time at the single and absolute discretion of the QOVVO Service.

2. We have the right to stop action at any time and without any consequences, suspend, limit or cancel the use or functionality of QOVVO Service services or your access to your User account (including freezing or closing your user account, refusal to process what/or of your actions or the abolition of the action), including, among other things:

a) In the case of any violation of these conditions and any other applicable conditions or any applicable legislation;

b) In order to comply with the legal requirements of the regulatory authority, the decision of the court, the act of any state body or applicable legislation;

c) Due to the suspicions of the QOVVO Service of the erroneity of your transaction or the connection of your transaction and the use of the service with any illegal activity (money laundering, financing of terrorism, fraud), or your User Account has been compiled;

d) Your User Account is subject to some kind of legal proceedings;

e) By eliminating the consequences of any defect related to the provision of QOVVO services;

f) For maintenance of the QOVVO Service system;

g) In the event of a change in the eligibility criteria for creating a User Account or using  QOVVO of the services.

In the above cases, digital assets in your user account can be frozen for an indefinite period before resolving issues that have arisen.

3. The QOVVO Service has the right at any time and without any consequences:

a) Update, change any functions, components or contents of the QOVVO Service, stop taking and maintain any digital assets and replace them with digital assets, accepted and supported QOVVO Services. We do not guarantee that any such specific content, component, function or digital asset will always be available to you;

b) Suspend, stop, cancel or change any stimulating programs, both currently valid and future to act subsequently and/or any incentives, bonuses or other payments related to the action of such programs.

4. In the case of the application of any measures agreed in this section, we will provide you with the necessary notification, if such a notification is possible legal and practical. The abolition of the above measures and return to the staffing of services are possible from the moment when the reasons for the adoption of such measures ceased to exist.

5. The user's obligations under these Terms, in the case of applying the measures agreed in this section, do not stop the user, which occurred as a result of the events of such measures, is maintained.

6. In the case of any suspension, terminations, restrictions or termination of the use of the services of the QOVVO, outside the causes of these, we are not required to compensate you for losses and/or losses, in the event of those, or to make any payments.

7. Our right to apply restrictions and other measures agreed in this section does not suspend and does not cancel any other rights and means of legal protection applicable to us in accordance with these conditions and norms of applicable legislation.

8. The user has the right to stop the use of QOVVO Services, remove the balance of digital assets from the User's Account on his personal wallet, if such a removal of funds does not contradict these conditions, there is no ban on such a withdrawal imposed by a court decision applicable by law and we have no reasonable grounds To suspect that digital assets or funds spent on the acquisition of digital assets were obtained illegally, fraud, or are associated with criminal activity. The restrictions indicated in this section and other measures can be reviewed by us at our discretion at any time.


1. The QOVVO Service has the right to request the personal data of users in the amount necessary for the provision of services in accordance with these Terms and norms of applicable legislation.

2. Having concluded an Agreement on the provision of services, the Parties consent and authorize the QOVVO Service for the collection, processing, storage and use of Users' Personal data in order to provide services.

3. The QOVVO Service ensures security and takes the necessary and sufficient legal, organizational and technical measures to protect Personal data from unlawful or accidental access to them, their destruction, changes, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as other illegal actions in relation to Personal data of Users.

4. In order to comply with the norms of applicable legislation in the field of combating money laundering and preventing financing terrorism, the QOVVO Service has the right to check the personal data of users at any time.

5. In case of closing the User Account, the need to preserve the Personal data of the User may arise in order to fulfill the norms and requirements of the applicable legislation.


1. All QOVVO services related information and software are provided “as is” without any statements or guarantees: obvious, implied or legislatively provided, excluding cases directly specified in these Terms, and not contrary to applicable law. We abandon all other statements or guarantees of obvious or implied, made for you or any third of the persons, including any quality guarantees, commodity or other suitability for certain goals or other services provided currently in accordance with the Terms or to be provided in the future. We do not make any statements regarding the compliance with your ideas about the reliability, safety, accessibility of the site, do not guarantee the absence of viruses and other such negative influences of servers through which you are provided with access to the site and appropriate content.

2. Regardless of references to the provisions of these Terms, under any circumstances, we are not responsible for any losses and losses and do not accept claims in case of occurrence of an unusual event, the ability to avoid which is absent, despite all reasonable measures: any force Major circumstances, including wars, natural disasters, acts of civil disobedience, terrorist acts, strikes, lockouts, labor disputes, changes in the applicable and/or international legislation; any delays, suspension, termination of services; malfunctions, delays, breaks of the telecommunication systems, communication channels, information systems; delays, break, refusal to access the services of a third of persons; any refusal of processing, transaction resolution, cancellation of transactions for any reason; your inability to carry out any transaction due to system failures or breakdowns; any unauthorized or unlawful use of our service or the use of a service in violation of the provisions of these Terms; compliance with the norms of applicable legislation, decisions and decisions of the court, the implementation of legitimate acts of any state body; As a result of the destructive consequences of hacks, transmission of computer viruses, unauthorized access or the use of our service, your User Account or any information contained in them.

3. Regardless of references to the provisions of these Terms, under any circumstances, we are not responsible for any random, special, typical or indirect losses, including but not limited to undertaken profit, loss of technology, loss or interruption of the information, or interruption of receipt of services, regardless of whether the resulting damage is direct or indirect, predictable or unpredictable, despite the presence or absence of any warning about the possibility of such losses and damage.

4. We are not responsible for inconvenience, loss, damage and other consequences of the action or inaction of any third of people, including, but not limited to third -party service providers, associated with our services when limiting our degree of third persons, the possibility of reasonable choice, briefing and informing such service providers.


1. Any of the events below is a non -fulfillment of obligations:

a) Non-compliance by the User of any obligations or guarantees specified in the section "Obligations and guarantees" of these Terms;

b) The fulfillment by the user of obligations specified in the section "Obligations and guarantees" of these Terms is or becomes illegal;

c) We cannot contact the User of the methods provided for in the section "Notifications and communications" of these Terms.

2. In case of non -fulfillment by the User of obligations or guarantees of obligations specified in the section "Obligations and  guarantees" of these Terms, we have the right:

a) Immediately terminate this Agreement;

b) Take any, at our absolute discretion, actions aimed at protecting our rights and interests.

3. Your responsibility is the use of QOVVO services in accordance with the norms of any applicable legislation and these conditions. You undertake to protect the QOVVO Service, from costs, losses and losses that are the result of your actions in violation of this agreement, as well as compensate for the damage that arose as a result of your actions.


1. The User account will be closed and the Agreement is subject to termination in case of violation by the User of his obligations and non-compliance with the guarantees specified in the Agreement.

2. The agreement may be terminated after the user terminate the services of the QOVVO Service.

3. The agreement may be terminated after a written notification of the QOVVO Service on the termination of the service, regardless of the reasons for such a termination.

4. Before the closing of the account, the user and termination of the Agreement, all the user debts before the QOVVO Service, if they are at the time of termination of the Agreement, are subject to repayment. The user has the right to display his digital assets to his personal wallet, if it is not prohibited by the applicable law, a decision or other judicial act, or in the case when we have reasonable grounds to suspect that digital assets or means used to acquire digital assets were received by fraud or by any illegal ways or associated with any criminal activity.

5. The termination of this Agreement does not exempt the parties from liability for any violations of the agreement committed by the parties during the actions of the Agreement and is not an obstacle to the use of legal protection and upholding compliance with their rights in the framework of applicable legislation.


1. When sending a QOVVO Service message to the last email used email, mailing address or user's phone as well as when placing an appropriate publication on the site, any user notification from the QOVVO Service made in accordance with these conditions is considered really obtained.

2. If necessary, make a QOVVO Service notification, in accordance with these conditions, the user undertakes to send a notification in English exclusively by email [email protected]

3. At the email [email protected] also to send questions, reviews and complaints of users in English, regarding the practice of using our service. The QOVVO Service support team takes all the necessary measures to immediately respond to questions and complaints of users. In some cases, in case of difficult problems, the reaction of the support command in response to the appeal may take up to twenty days. We are not responsible, in the event of any loss and losses in this period.

4. The user, sending messages to the QOVVO Service via the Internet is aware of and assumes the risk of unauthorized access to his information and assumes full responsibility for the safety and authenticity of his messages. We, in turn, perceive all messages received from your user account, as coming from you and are not required to check the authenticity of this.5. Messages sent by you to the QOVVO Service are considered to be successfully received if our service notifies you of the receipt of such messages.

6. In the event of disputes between the parties, in connection with the use of the QOVVO Service, the parties of the parties about all issues related to the use of our service are required and will be used for all possible proceedings, in accordance with any applicable law.


1. Intellectual property is the exclusive property of Company and is not subject to distribution, display, reproduction, transfer, broadcast, change and influence/use in any other way.

2. Unless otherwise agreed, this Agreement replaces and canceles all ideas, agreements, agreements and relevant messages between you and any of the representatives of the QOVVO Service, written or oral, transferred and received by any of the communication channels, including any statements in another document of the QOVVO Service. This Agreement, together with the Privacy Policy, is a complete agreement between you and the Company.

3.QOVVO Service reserves full right, at its discretion, to make additions and changes to these Terms that enter into force on the day they are published on the website you must regularly track publications of the QOVVO Service in order to receive relevant information about any additions and changes to these conditions. Without a preliminary notification, the QOVVO Service has the right to make changes, add or delete any function. Continuing to use the services of the QOVVO Service after the implementation of the appropriate changes, you confirm your unconditional adoption of such changes and additions to the conditions and service of QOVVO. In case of your disagreement with such additions and changes to these conditions, you must immediately stop using the QOVVO Service.

4. The restrictions in the implementation of certain provisions of these Terms that may occur, regardless of the causes of their occurrence, do not affect the validity of any other provisions or all these conditions.

5. Restrictions on the ability of the QOVVO Service to implement or ensure the implementation of any provisions of these conditions does not mean refusal to implement such provisions in the future or restriction of the relevant rights of the QOVVO Service.

6. Obtaining the services of the QOVVO Service by the user does not mean that there are relationships between the Parties, other than the regulations directly specified in the provisions of these Terms beyond the scope of the Agreement: somehow tax, investment, legal advice, trust management, etc.

7. Without the written preliminary consent of the QOVVO Service, the rights and obligations of the user, which are the result of the agreement, cannot be transferred or assigned; At the same time, the QOVVO Service reserves the right to retrain, transfer or delegate the rights and obligations by agreement as well as an agreement with a clock to any third party, without prior notice and your consent.

8. The parties admit that the official language of the QOVVO Service is English. In the event of disagreement in the interpretations of reading these conditions or certain provisions of the conditions or an agreement with a large language in English and any other language of our service, English has an advantage.